Interface TypeScriptOptions



defaultPreset?: Partial<{
    class: ClassPresetType<any>;
    enum: EnumPresetType<any>;
    interface: InterfacePresetType<any>;
    type: TypePresetType<any>;

Type declaration

  • class: ClassPresetType<any>
  • enum: EnumPresetType<any>
  • interface: InterfacePresetType<any>
  • type: TypePresetType<any>
dependencyManager?: TypeScriptDependencyManager | (() => TypeScriptDependencyManager)

This dependency manager type serves two functions.

  1. It can be used to provide a factory for generate functions
  2. It can be used to provide a single instance of a dependency manager, to add all dependencies together

This depends on context and where it's used.

Type declaration

    • (): TypeScriptDependencyManager
    • Returns TypeScriptDependencyManager

enumType: "enum" | "union"
indentation?: {
    size: number;
    type: IndentationTypes;

Type declaration

mapType: "map" | "record" | "indexedObject"
modelType: "class" | "interface"
presets?: Presets<Partial<{
    class: ClassPresetType<any>;
    enum: EnumPresetType<any>;
    interface: InterfacePresetType<any>;
    type: TypePresetType<any>;
processorOptions?: ProcessorOptions
rawPropertyNames: boolean

Use raw property names instead of constrained ones, where you most likely need to access them with obj["propertyName"] instead of obj.propertyName

renderTypes: boolean
typeMapping: TypeMapping<TypeScriptOptions, TypeScriptDependencyManager>
useJavascriptReservedKeywords: boolean

Use JS reserved keywords so the TS output models can easily be transpiled to JS

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