Class OpenapiV3Schema

OpenAPI 3.0 -> 3.0.4 schema model

Based on Draft 6, but with restricted keywords and definitions Modifications

  • type, cannot be an array nor contain 'null'

Restrictions (keywords not allowed)

  • patternProperties
  • not


  • OpenapiV3Schema


[k: string]: any



$id?: string
$ref?: string
$schema?: string
additionalItems?: boolean | OpenapiV3Schema
additionalProperties?: boolean | OpenapiV3Schema
allOf?: (boolean | OpenapiV3Schema)[]
anyOf?: (boolean | OpenapiV3Schema)[]
const?: any
contains?: boolean | OpenapiV3Schema
contentEncoding?: string
contentMediaType?: string
default?: any
definitions?: {
    [key: string]: OpenapiV3Schema | boolean;

Type declaration

dependencies?: {
    [key: string]: OpenapiV3Schema | boolean | string[];

Type declaration

deprecated?: boolean
description?: string
discriminator?: OpenapiV3Discriminator
enum?: any[]
example?: any
examples?: any
exclusiveMaximum?: number | boolean
exclusiveMinimum?: number | boolean
format?: string
items?: boolean | OpenapiV3Schema | OpenapiV3Schema[]
maxItems?: number
maxLength?: number
maxProperties?: number
maximum?: number
minItems?: number
minLength?: number
minProperties?: number
minimum?: number
multipleOf?: number
nullable?: boolean
oneOf?: (boolean | OpenapiV3Schema)[]
pattern?: string
properties?: {
    [key: string]: OpenapiV3Schema | boolean;

Type declaration

propertyNames?: boolean | OpenapiV3Schema
readOnly?: boolean
required?: string[]
title?: string
type?: string | string[]
uniqueItems?: boolean
writeOnly?: boolean


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